Ride Sharing and Pooling
By increasing the occupancy of each vehicle we can decrease the cost per passenger, leading to lower cost per trip which increases the demand for your transport solution.
We can create tailored ride pooling solution with customized passenger facing applications, integrate our backend with your backbone where needed and provide all the tools to ensure reliable and manageable solution to ensure growth.

Transit Operators
Solving Commute and Intraday Mobilit
To those that drive to work, offer an alternative solution.
30 min one way drive to commute means 36 work days worth of time that employee waists behind the wheel.
Have time spent on Wifi enabled shared commute shuttle rides count as work time, similar to telecommuting.
Save on parking space, cost of commute that you indirectly pay, help reduce traffic (each shuttle can eliminate up to 15 vehicles from roads during peak hours) and carbon emission.
Accounting commute time in shuttle as telecommuting, and providing a door to door driven commute solution, regardless of your office location will improve talent acquisition and retention as well as brand equity.
Check the sample use case www.flexigo.com powered by our platform.

Transit Operators
Improve your bottom line while increasing reach
Stop running underutilized fixed routes on schedule.
Do not further invest to extend the reach of your network.
Offer on demand and optimized public transport with smaller vehicles to serve the long tail and unscheduled demand.
Integrate on demand shared shuttle with the rest of your offers.

Safer, better managed school busses
Digitalize the on-boarding process, let parents self register their kids.
Decrease travel time and increase utilization through automated routing and optimization.
Increase safety with driver behavior monitoring analysis and exception monitoring capabilities.
Provide full track and traceability to parents through the mobile app. Service fee collection through the parent app if it’s a paid service.

Commute Shuttle Solution Powered by Vektor

flexigo →
Single-Point Platform for Corporate and Campus Mobility
flexigo is a centralized platform to manage all mobility requirements of employees: Commute and Intraday.